Saturday, May 15, 2010

Robin Hood: Not the hero you remember

When you hear "Robin Hood" what do you think? An outlaw who steals from the rich and gives to the poor, lives in the forest with a band of outlaws, is an extraordinarily good shot with a bow and arrow, loves Maid Marian, is a sworn enemy of the Sheriff of Nottingham, and dresses in green, perhaps? No exaggeration: NONE of these happened until the last 5 minutes of the movie. In fact, he wasn't known as "Robin of the Hood" until one of the very last lines in the movie. I'll venture to say that this is not the Robin Hood everyone loves.

I understand that this was meant to be a prequel of sorts, as at the end of the movie it says "And the story begins" or something of the sort. Nothing wrong with a prequel to a much-loved story, but, unfortunately, this wasn't a very good prequel. too bad.

I'll start with the positive: Ridley Scott did a fantastic job directing this movie. It had just the right amount of shaking, exciting camera movements and beautiful, depth-of-field "artsy" shots. I'm one to usually care, but the color correction was fantastic, as was the composition. Unfortunately, movies are more than pretty views.

What this movie had in execution, it lost in premise. The story was unclear, the characters undefined, and the conflict blurred. It made it clear that the chief adviser to the King of England was actually working for France, and that the King had to restore a nation turned against himself. That's all very nice, but what exactly does this have to do with Robin Hood? Answer: nothing. Robin Hood escapes from a battlefield, takes the crown of the dead king to his brother, tries, and then succeeds, to kill the false adviser, pretends to love, and then falls in love with Maid Marian, unites the country with a stirring speech, wins the climactic battle, and all seemingly without a motive.

As I said before, this movie had NOTHING to do with an outlaw stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. Instead, it had to do with a fugitive in disguise running around with small group of friends winning battles for the King, without ever agreeing with or being recognized by the king. That's all very nice, but as I said, he had NO MOTIVE. at first, he ran from the battlefield to escape from confinement, he took the crown to the king so it wouldn't fall into the wrong hands, took a sword to Maid Marian's father because he promised his dying friend he would, fell in love with Maid Marian because he was pretending to be her dead husband (to evade taxes, may I add), won battles for the king for NO apparent reason, and was in the end outlawed for pretending to be a knight. Where's the personal conflict? there is none. he wasn't even outlawed until the very end of the movie.

Also, throughout the movie, there was a band of masked, seemingly outlawed, vagabonds that wreaked havoc on Maid Marian's storehouse. They came up throughout the movie, but never actually did anything past the opening scene. Maybe this is a setup for the sequel, but it just didn't make sense to have them throughout the movie.

About the acting.... hm.... Russel Crowe is very good at looking mournful and sad, I'll give him that, but he never had a real reason to be mournful and sad. I've said it before, but it's worth repeating that this movie had little to no personal conflict.

His father had taught him the phrase "Rise and Rise again. Until Lambs become Lions" and he found it written on his sword, but it never really had significance in the movie. There's no explanation as to what it actually means. another vague part of the movie.

Is it just me, or did Kevin Durand (Little John) grow about 2 feet taller?

Also, Robin Hood never had a defining characteristic. He wasn't a particularly good shot (as is the basic premise of the real Robin Hood story), he never stole from the rich to give to the poor (although he did steal from a church to give to his love), and he wasn't even outlawed until the very very end.

This is the kind of movie that would be good to be the first 15 minutes of the real Robin Hood story. Take for example Lord of the Rings. The very first scene when it tells how the ring came about, shows how the other races fell, and how Gollum got the ring? While this summary "could" have been made into a full-length movie as a prequel to Lord of the Rings, prior to even the Hobbit,  it doesn't merit a complete movie.  The same could be said for this movie. It is really more of the back story to Robin Hood than the actually story of Robin Hood, and while there were a lot of little things that a summary wouldn't have been able to capture, the little things could have easily and comfortably cut out. In short, this movie could have been reduced to the 15 minutes at the beginning of the real story, and it would have been very nice.

On the whole, while this movie isn't a complete waste of time (although it was a little to long), it is unfortunately unclear, undefined, and without complete definition. Why is it worth the time and money to see? it really is beautifully directed, and I think Ridley Scott would do good to direct more "artsy" movies. It has some good action, good acting, wonderful directing, but no real plot, conflict, or momentum.


  1. I COMPLETELY DISAGREE!!! The movie was fantastic and he was very historically accurate! And you go on and on about how he never stole from the rich and gave to the poor and that is because it was a prequel! And you said that he wasn't a good shot? He was an excellent shot! Didn't you see him shot his bow over an army hitting the guy in the neck while he was riding a horse?!?! Oh and he had no motivation? Here's his motivation, he now became an arl didn't want to lose his land, he was in love and wanted to stay with her, he had to protect the country he lived in. I'm sure there are more big things that I missed so you just comment back to tell me in person and I will show you how is was accurate and how it was good. Plus the main reason I can tell that it was accurate is because in my mom's history class we studied Robin Hood. Oh ya I remember something. You may have found the part of Robin taking different names confusing but the reason they did that is because Robin Hood has been known for many different names and they took the most likely names for him and found a way to make it so he could take them on. (The names were Robin Longstride, Robin of the Hood just putting it in there, Robin of loxley, Robin of Huntington. I think those are all of them)

  2. Oh sorry It's me Jack. Robin Hood started out as a tale first though and that is where the names come from, because people have tried to figure out who Robin Hood was and they came down to a few people that made most since and thus the names I listed were them and so the story of the movie made it so that they could give him all of the names. And the bow thing those were the only times he had a chance to use his bow skills.

    Oh and king John really didn't do that much to him until after the battle.

    Oh and I completely understand what you mean by "I didn't enjoy the movie, but I loved watching it."

    Now are there any more points you can add?

  3. oh hey what's up :]

    I don't have a huge problem with the name, it was just a little irritating to have nothing to do with the classical "Robin Hood" until the last few scenes. in my mind the "Robin Hood" stereotype is an outlaw that steals from the rich, gives to the poor, and shoots arrows. tights optional.

    King John was pretty ungrateful after he brought him the crown, wasn't he?

    that's all I got

  4. nothin much.

    well it is a prequel. I think they should've showed that it was a prequel at the beginning for the people who didn't get it or in the trailer.

    And I guess he was a bit ungrateful, but from what I saw it would make since because a lot happen so it would be understandable if he forgot his of manners. (if he even had them)

    Well I think that's everything. sorry for the type yelling I just thought you needed a better rating. Hope I changed your mind. BTW you should watch it again on like netflix or rent it or something while keeping my points in mind. And the big thing would be that it is a prequel.

    Have a good day.
