Sunday, April 4, 2010

3D movie tickets: How much is too much to pay?

Well, as much as I love movies, I haven't been blogging lately because... well... I don't like spending $7 to see just any movie. And that's with the student discount.  I've only seen one movie in 3D (Alice in Wonderland), and although I understand it wasn't "true 3D," meaning it was shot in 2D, and then edited to be 3D in post-production, I found it to be little more than a novelty. an expensive one too. the price of an adult 3D ticket was around $15, and might have been as high as $16.50 in some cities at the time I saw Alice in Wonderland. That's the bad news. Unfortunately, I have no good news to offer because: the price of 3D movies is going up. That's right! Incredibly expensive entertainment just got MORE EXPENSIVE.

Now, I'd like to make it clear that while I enjoy the 3D technology, I would quite frankly rather save myself 5 bucks and see it in 2D, and quite a considerable amount of people agree with me.Do you think people will be willing to pay MORE to see a movie in 3D when a lot of them are already reluctant? I don't think so. Prices have been raised by as much as 26% in some theaters. in other words, a $15 ticket could cost almost $19. Although I'm an avid movie-lover, am I the only one who thinks this is a ridiculous amount of money to pay for 2 hours of entertainment? And Imax tickets are even more pricey, with ticket prices already around $17+ and who knows how much they'll cost after the price change.

I understand that 3D technology is very expensive, but raising the prices just doesn't work. the 3D glasses cost less that 50 cents, and while the 3D projectors are very expensive, people don't seem to realize that the same projector can be used for every 3D movie that comes out. In other words, if the 3D projector that costs $45,000 dollars and that has been payed off by the first movie or two it shows (don't think 3D movies earn enough to pay something that expensive off? Just ask James Cameron), is useful for an unlimited number of movies in the future. To put this in perspective, the price of 3D movies should be going DOWN because there is no longer an equipment expense to theaters that have switched to 3D, and with the wild success of Avatar in 3D, any respected theater has already made the switch.

Maybe I'm alone, but personally, $15 is a lot of money to pay for 2 hours of entertainment, and if the price is going up, it's just not worth my time. In perspective, seeing a 3D movie now would be like paying the theater minimum wage to show the movie, and that's for every single person in the theater. In summary, although 3D is a fun and novel experience, it's just that: a novelty. A novelty worth 7-9 more dollars than a non-novelty movie? I think not.

As a slightly opinionated individual, I would like to know what you guys think. Leave a comment down below! Even if you completely disagree with everything I say, I don't mind knowing why I'm wrong. thanks for reading, have a great Easter :]

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